
Where are you in your life right now?

Where are you in your life right now?


    Where are you in your life right now? Are you ready to be the most important person in your life? What is your uniqueness that you want to bring into the world? How will MindReset change your life? Are you ready for a life of ease and joy?


3 intensive days of change with MindReset

I congratulate you, you are ready to invite more clarity, truth and lightness into your life. Everything that limits and restricts you, I will uncover and delete together with you. We pick up the red thread to move from one topic to the next. The Access Clearing Statement, as a very powerful and effective tool, clears all the blockages mentioned.

To look and feel my abilities more deeply makes it easier to follow the common thread. In these three days of MindReset you will let go of a lot on a spiritual, mental and physical level. Active meditations will support you and continue to serve you in the future. Family secrets are stored in our cellular consciousness, it takes strength to keep them there. The seven generation constellation brings peace and helps to gain constructive power.

Access bars and the Access body processes support and cleanse your system on all levels. The energy follows the attention. What are you focusing on? What is thought hygiene and how does it affect your creations in life? MindReset is a very effective and comprehensive coaching that is individually adapted to people. MindReset serves your personal development, it gives you space for clarity, lightness and joy and helps you to live your truth.


In childhood, the mind (thought patterns, opinions, views, intellect, conditioning), i.e. adopted views and conditioning, served as a family and social guide. In adulthood, there is more of a discrepancy between being able to lead a self-determined life on the one hand and following the old, still firmly established dogmas on the other. The dichotomy manifests itself in feelings of dissatisfaction and stagnation.

Recognizing, uncovering and deleting these limiting patterns make up the MindReset concept.

Over the past twenty years I have acquired an extensive spectrum of ways to clear the mind and make space to bring forth one's truth and clarity.

Once the reset button has been pressed, fullness, lightness and joy in life can set in.

The MindReset concept gives me the freedom to adapt to the individual circumstances of the participant in order to pick them up exactly where they are.


In childhood, the mind (thought patterns, opinions, views, intellect, conditioning), i.e. adopted views and conditioning, served as a family and social guide. In adulthood, there is more of a discrepancy between being able to lead a self-determined life on the one hand and following the old, still firmly established dogmas on the other. The dichotomy manifests itself in feelings of dissatisfaction and stagnation.

Recognizing, uncovering and deleting these limiting patterns make up the MindReset concept.

Over the past twenty years I have acquired an extensive spectrum of ways to clear the mind and make space to bring forth one's truth and clarity.

Once the reset button has been pressed, fullness, lightness and joy in life can set in.

The MindReset concept gives me the freedom to adapt to the individual circumstances of the participant in order to pick them up exactly where they are.

Complementary Methods

The methods I use in Mindreset are for the needs...

..relaxation on all three levels (body-mind-soul)

  • Quantum Light Breath, QLB

    In an upright, present posture, a profound breathing process takes place here, which has an effect on all levels. Through breathing you experience the NOW as reality. The past is fantasy and the future is fiction. If you don't have a problem at that moment, then there is no real problem. When you understand this deeply, you will stop reacting to imaginary difficulties. You will find that you have a choice of believing or not believing in the illusions of the past, or the future, which gives you real ease. This is how your tensions, blockages, programs and strategies will simply dissolve. In addition to the level of the mind (mind, spirit, opinions, belief systems) there is also a physical transformation taking place. The body receives large amounts of oxygen through this breathing meditation. Our brain in particular needs a lot of oxygen and will particularly benefit from this process. The body has the opportunity to release the oversupply of oxygen, toxins and waste products, which are then carried away via the blood and finally eliminated. You will receive further information and guidance before, during and after the QLB breathing meditation.

  • Access Bars

    In our lives we have adopted many behaviors, beliefs, self-limiting blockages from our environment, or created ourselves, which expresses our behavior and personality in the form of thoughts, feelings, emotions and much more. So you certainly know the feeling of acting on autopilot in action and reaction. You unconsciously judge and condemn yourself and the outside world, so that you act out of an automatism instead of living out of your awareness and receiving what is ready for you. The Access Bars offer the opportunity to give up this density bit by bit. Over 32 points on your head, where all thoughts, emotions and programs are stored, different topics are addressed and cleaned up. Nothing else happens when you clean your PC from time to time by deleting useless, outdated programs. You receive the bars relaxed on a lounger.

  • Body processes Energy work on the body

    This process is about subtle communication. You lie comfortably on a couch. I energetically attune to you and your system, which means I connect with it. Now your body leads me to its blockages and dissonances. The subtle connection supports your immune system and has a regenerating and balancing effect on your cell consciousness.

  • Forest bathing as an awareness and experience of nature in connection with everything that is

    Slow down, get out of everyday life and recharge your batteries sustainably. Guided exercises will bring you peace, clarity and balance. The forest supports you with its charisma. Your willingness and openness allows you to be received and present. Forest bathing is the opportunity to find your way back to yourself through experiencing nature. The conscious experience of the forest, listening, looking, feeling makes you forget everyday life and leads you back to you with your attention. Conscious breathing as an anchor and centeredness ensure more presence, the carousel of thoughts comes to rest and you dive into the NOW.

  • The systemic-holistic approach

    The Seven Generations Constellation Recognizing and pacifying blockages that are already carried through the generations. These family secrets want to be seen and redeemed. As a woman, we visually line up the mothers (as a man, the fathers) of the last seven generations. It is important to recognize where the chain is broken. Peace comes about through paying attention to the special circumstances uncovered here, which led to the disruptive field in the generational chain. The aim is to achieve more balance and inner peace.

  • Access Consciousness nach Gery Douglas und Dr. Dean Heer

    “Empower people to know they know”

  • Clarity Process nach Jeru Kabbal

    Live the presence of the moment!

The methods I use in Mindreset are for the needs...

..relaxation on all three levels (body-mind-soul)

  • Quantum Light Breath, QLB

    In an upright, present posture, a profound breathing process takes place here, which has an effect on all levels. Through breathing you experience the NOW as reality. The past is fantasy and the future is fiction. If you don't have a problem at that moment, then there is no real problem. When you understand this deeply, you will stop reacting to imaginary difficulties. You will find that you have a choice of believing or not believing in the illusions of the past, or the future, which gives you real ease. This is how your tensions, blockages, programs and strategies will simply dissolve. In addition to the level of the mind (mind, spirit, opinions, belief systems) there is also a physical transformation taking place. The body receives large amounts of oxygen through this breathing meditation. Our brain in particular needs a lot of oxygen and will particularly benefit from this process. The body has the opportunity to release the oversupply of oxygen, toxins and waste products, which are then carried away via the blood and finally eliminated. You will receive further information and guidance before, during and after the QLB breathing meditation.

  • Access Bars

    In our lives we have adopted many behaviors, beliefs, self-limiting blockages from our environment, or created ourselves, which expresses our behavior and personality in the form of thoughts, feelings, emotions and much more. So you certainly know the feeling of acting on autopilot in action and reaction. You unconsciously judge and condemn yourself and the outside world, so that you act out of an automatism instead of living out of your awareness and receiving what is ready for you. The Access Bars offer the opportunity to give up this density bit by bit. Over 32 points on your head, where all thoughts, emotions and programs are stored, different topics are addressed and cleaned up. Nothing else happens when you clean your PC from time to time by deleting useless, outdated programs. You receive the bars relaxed on a lounger.

  • Body processes Energy work on the body

    This process is about subtle communication. You lie comfortably on a couch. I energetically attune to you and your system, which means I connect with it. Now your body leads me to its blockages and dissonances. The subtle connection supports your immune system and has a regenerating and balancing effect on your cell consciousness.

  • Forest bathing as an awareness and experience of nature in connection with everything that is

    Slow down, get out of everyday life and recharge your batteries sustainably. Guided exercises will bring you peace, clarity and balance. The forest supports you with its charisma. Your willingness and openness allows you to be received and present. Forest bathing is the opportunity to find your way back to yourself through experiencing nature. The conscious experience of the forest, listening, looking, feeling makes you forget everyday life and leads you back to you with your attention. Conscious breathing as an anchor and centeredness ensure more presence, the carousel of thoughts comes to rest and you dive into the NOW.

  • The systemic-holistic approach

    The Seven Generations Constellation Recognizing and pacifying blockages that are already carried through the generations. These family secrets want to be seen and redeemed. As a woman, we visually line up the mothers (as a man, the fathers) of the last seven generations. It is important to recognize where the chain is broken. Peace comes about through paying attention to the special circumstances uncovered here, which led to the disruptive field in the generational chain. The aim is to achieve more balance and inner peace.

  • Access Consciousness nach Gery Douglas und Dr. Dean Heer

    “Empower people to know they know”

  • Clarity Process nach Jeru Kabbal

    Live the presence of the moment!

MindReset Personal Coaching

MindReset Personal Coaching



MindReset – 3 day coaching – €2,760

MindReset – 2 day coaching – €1,870

MindReset – 1 day coaching – 980 €

each additional day 890 €






First, the issue is described. Now, together with the available techniques and possibilities, there is a clarification that ultimately results in peace and lightness.

MindReset – Conversation via FaceTime €120/hour




business coaching

Work - Soul - Mental - Balance to promote harmonious, goal-oriented cooperation in the context of energetic work of Access Consciousness for offices, departments, companies

1 Tagescoaching – 1.490 € 


As a supplementary contribution to conferences and training courses:


Forest bathing – 90 min – €230.00

Conscious breathing training – 90 minutes – €230.00

Visionstraining – 90 Min. – 230,00€ 

In the group

Forest bathing – 2 hours – 400€

Conscious breathing training – 2 hours – €400 Vision training – 2 hours – €400.00

As a supplementary contribution to conferences and training courses:


Forest bathing – 90 min – €230

Conscious breathing training – 90 min – 230 €

Visionstraining – 90 Min – 230 € 

In the group

Forest bathing – 2 hrs – €400

Conscious breathing training – 2 hrs – 400 € Vision training – 2 hrs – 400 €

I am always at your disposal for a non-binding initial consultation.

Arrival flat rates are calculated individually. All prices are guide values - I would be happy to make you an offer tailored to your needs.

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