Let's look at a company as an independent organism. The individual departments form the organs that are connected through nerves and vessels to the brain and its mind (belief systems, opinions, judgments).
Limiting belief systems and views determine the character of a company through their energetic orientation.
The frequency of vibrations emitted in this way, in turn, pulls exactly the right pattern into tangible reality. If I switch my radio to the FM frequency, I don't expect to receive the MW frequency.
For example, when tuned into competitiveness and competition, the vibratory pattern is such that there is not enough for everyone and the limit is set.
Acting from this attitude costs the organism of the company a lot of strength and energy.
Uncovering the underlying cause of this lack awareness together and achieving a realignment is essential, as is deleting the limiting belief patterns from the system.
The vibrational frequency changes to generate abundance.
With the understanding of these natural laws, the MindReset concept opens up new effective ways of change.