About me

About me

About me

To my person

About twenty years ago drastic circumstances led to questioning myself and my life. The pressure of suffering, as my constant, intangible companion, signaled to me that my life needed a radical change. My spirit of research drives me to find new solutions. A series of "coincidences" led me to people, seminars and training courses that first helped me to understand myself: Reiki master/teacher degree alternative practitioner training at HP Schule Sabine Hein psychokinesiology according to Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt Clarity Process / Quantum Light Breath, QLB according to Jeru Kabbal Relaxation therapist, Paracelsus School Burnout consultant Paracelsus School Access Consciousness according to Gerry Douglas and Dean Heer Access body processes, Access Bars About psychokinesiology according to Dr. D. Klinghardt and the Clarity Process according to Jeru Kabbal, I understood the influence of the subconscious on life. Healing the cause is the key to change. My convictions, beliefs and conditioning from the past limited my free development, more vitality and joy. I understood that I provided the sounding board for people and circumstances that I drew into my life. Intensive clarification work on a mental level created space for change. The implementation of the valuable practices from my rich repertoire freed me from these limitations bit by bit. I see it as my absolute calling to work with people.

To my person

About twenty years ago drastic circumstances led to questioning myself and my life. The pressure of suffering, as my constant, intangible companion, signaled to me that my life needed a radical change. My spirit of research drives me to find new solutions. A series of "coincidences" led me to people, seminars and training courses that first helped me to understand myself: Reiki master/teacher degree alternative practitioner training at HP Schule Sabine Hein psychokinesiology according to Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt Clarity Process / Quantum Light Breath, QLB according to Jeru Kabbal Relaxation therapist, Paracelsus School Burnout consultant Paracelsus School Access Consciousness according to Gerry Douglas and Dean Heer Access body processes, Access Bars About psychokinesiology according to Dr. D. Klinghardt and the Clarity Process according to Jeru Kabbal, I understood the influence of the subconscious on life. Healing the cause is the key to change. My convictions, beliefs and conditioning from the past limited my free development, more vitality and joy. I understood that I provided the sounding board for people and circumstances that I drew into my life. Intensive clarification work on a mental level created space for change. The implementation of the valuable practices from my rich repertoire freed me from these limitations bit by bit. I see it as my absolute calling to work with people.
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